I'm just here for a cleaning.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want.

I'd like to welcome the newest member of our household, the entertainment center! After ordering it what feels like ages ago, and the first time it was delivered it was all smashed, now we finally have it and it's not smashed and we put pretty things on it and it looks great! Although it makes it look like our TV is a miniature TV but oh well. I love it!

I am soooooo excited to see my mom and Jayla tomorrow! It has been months since I've seen them, I think this is the longest I've ever gone w/o seeing them. I miss them so much. Even though it's a quick visit, I am grateful for it and can't wait for them to get here tomorrow night. Tom and I worked allll day loooong trying to get the house clean and ready and organizing and going to Goodwill and the recycling center and doing laundry and I still am not done but I am so exhausted. I feel more tired right now than I did last weekend after running 6.2 miles and dancing for hours!

I love that Duke lost to WVU today. I love even more that I picked it in my bracket.

If you're one who celebrates Easter, then Happy Easter! If not, then happy first weekend of spring!

P.S. In case you were wondering, yes, that IS a Shady bobblehead on the top shelf.

1 comment:

Jen E. said...

it looks great! Glad that it arrived un-smashed this time! :)
Hope you are having a great weekend and I KNOW you will have fun with miss princess tomorrow :)!!!